Davide Capponi photography

Photographic art by Davide Capponi


self portrait

I see the growing movement of Mobile Photography as very similar to the Punk revolution of 1977: everyone could pick up a guitar to go onstage and creative energy mattered more than technique.

Davide Capponi is an Italian manager-cum-mobile photographer and is passionate about post-processing. His work has been on display in Italy and abroad, and published in Italian newspapers and magazines. He is a founding member of New Era Museum http://neweramuseum.org/.


blog, https://davidecapponi.com/

Instagram http://instagram.com/rubicorno/, on

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/davidecapponi.iphoneography

Twitter https://twitter.com/Rubicorno

Mail: redhorn60 at gmail.com



296 Responses to “About”

  1. buddy71

    i have been practicing photography since high school. it seems the more simple the equipment, the more awesome the photo can be, for it becomes the skill of the photographer. i have won awards with photos taken with a Kodak Instamatic as well as my 35 mm back in the day when film ruled the world. people foget that in the dark room, editing did occur, but to “photoshop” now seems a bad thing. lol
    i have my android based phone with me almost all the time, even when i have my dslr handy, i will shoot a photo with my phone. i have posted many here on my wp site and i have had several published in Android Magazine. you have some wonderful works. keep it up.

  2. Mjollnir

    I like your comparison to ‘punk attitudes’ Davide. I’ve never had a photography lesson in my life! Keep up the good work. Salute, Iain. 😀

  3. Angeline M

    Thanks so much for the follow! I admire your phoneography work tremendously. This arena of photography is amazing and allows for such creativity. I’m glad for our connection here.

  4. SueBee and Kat

    I’m glad to have found your site. The photos are spectacular. When you say Instagram photos, are you just using an iPhone? For my Instagram, that’s all I’m using while the pics on our blog we use Nikon. I’m so impressed by your photos! Great work!~SueBee

  5. dorannrule

    Hello Rubicorno. Thank you for following my blog. I am honored Your iphone photos are stunning. I will be receiving a new smart phone soon and now I cannot wait to try the instagram thing. Grazie!

    • rubicorno

      Hello Dora, thanks to you, you country shots are fantastic! Glad that you like my photos, you will have a lot of of fun with your smart phone, believe me!

  6. Imelda

    Your photographs are amazingly beautiful. You just showed that whatever the instrument, it is the talent behind it that makes it function well. 🙂 Thank you, Sir, for following my blog. 🙂

  7. fgassette

    Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I take of life’s events as seen through the lens of my camera.

    • rubicorno

      Thank you Anne, I am grateful for your nomination. Please don’t be offended if I don’t follow up but I am not interested in blogging awards.


      • annetbell

        I am not offended at all. I just wanted to tell you I love your photography! Namaste. . . ..

  8. Mz Zoomer

    Really lovely work. Amazing to see what can be done with an iphone….thanks. I am thrilled that I found your blog.

    • rubicorno

      Thank you! I am glad you like my images, and I am a big fan of Pacific North West, have been to Seattle a couple of times and I have in my agenda a trip in that are some day.

  9. e-caminanta

    Thanks for following my blog, it feels very encouraging.
    Didn’t know it was possible to create such beautiful pitcures with a iphone!
    Beware of Instangram. Here are a few articles in Italian on why to be vigilant.
    Have a nice day

    • rubicorno

      Salve Eliane, thanks to you! I know the issues about Instagram, and I have decided to stay anyway for a number of reasons.

  10. The Blissful Adventurer

    Ciao Davide,
    George Weaver sent me to your blog and I am very happy I am here. You and I have many things in common; particularly a passion for photography and a relationship to Italy. I have worked on and off in Italy for years and I return each year to rediscover parts of myself I do not find at home. I would enjoy chatting with you about some potential collaboration with your work as I am developing iPhone based travel programs in Italy. Your work is the kind of media that I seek and I hope that we may become acquainted. I am enjoying very much my time here on your site and I look forward to more.
    All the best,

    • rubicorno

      Hi Michael,
      from what I see from your great blog we have in common also love for travel, wine and food!
      I would be glad to chat with you, you can email me at redhorn60 at gmail.com



  11. anders967

    Nel rinnovarti i miei complimenti, ti sarei grato se potessi farmi sapere come comunicare con te via email. Grazie.

    • rubicorno

      Ho mandato una email all’indirizzo del tuo profilo, ti è arrivata ?

      Altrimenti la mia email è redhorn60 at gmail.com

  12. kalabalu

    I feel happy to nominate you for Blog of the year 2012 Award. Please collect information from my blog

    • rubicorno

      Olà Amaya, don’t be sorry, I am grateful for your nomination 🙂
      But please don’t be offended if I don’t follow up on it 😉

      ciao e grazie!


  13. A4

    Really like your new blog theme. I’m terrified to change mine but you’ve done a sterling job here.

    • rubicorno

      Thank you! I know how you feel, I was as much terrified as you!
      But I have to admit it was less painful than expected, even though the instructions for this theme are quite vague and it took me many attempts to make galleries work.

  14. Relative Imperfection

    Hi. I really enjoy your blog: it’s a cool place to come back to, so I have nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award.
    I totally understand if you don’t want to follow all the stuff involved, but thought you would like to know anyway. No further action is necessary or expected. 😉

    • rubicorno

      Thanks for thinking of me, I am grateful.
      I am not much for this blogging awards though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on it.


  15. Louis

    I know nothing about iPhones (I am nearly 80) and had assumed that you could produce only inferior results. I could not have been more mistaken! I have now had an opportunity to glance through your site and you have many fine, magical images. You have a true feeling for your subjects and an excellent photographer’s eye. I shall return – regularly!

    • rubicorno

      Thanks Louis, glad I could change your mind!
      The saying “less is more” applies very well for me in this case: having less technology available (compared to my dslr) allows me to develop my creativity to a greater extent.


  16. Louis

    Thank you for choosing to follow my blog. I look forward to dropping in on your site and hope that you continue to enjoy my posts.

    • rubicorno

      Hi, I appreciate your nomination and I’m grateful you have chosen me.
      I’m not much in this kind of blogging awards/tagging schemes, so I hope you won’t be offended if I don’t follow up.


      • skHILLed

        No worries Davide! It was sent to me and was a bit of fun. Not offended in the slightest. Keep up the cool photos!

  17. Maria

    cool pics!
    I’m going to Milano soon, can u please tell me where the abandoned hospital is located? 🙂
    Sincerely, Maria

  18. Michael Owen Johnson

    Hi Davide!
    My name is Michael. You recently added me as a favorite artist at IPA. I am very honored that you have done this and wanted to thank you sincerily. I am a big fan of yours. I think I added you to my reciprocal folder a while ago but if not that will soon be remedied. I especially like your color treatments on interior spaces. These appear to me as metaphors for maybe your own life or those close to you. Of course I am probably completely wrong. It is just how your art approaches me as I am viewing. Terrific and very strange and beautiful. So I am in your debt. Thank you Sir. I look forward to becoming more familiar with your beautiful art.
    Sincerily yours, Michael Johnson

  19. Ana Martin

    I do love your work! I´m an android user but I totally share your photographic philosophy. Thanks for liking my blog and see you around.

  20. Jean-noel Clot

    Hello Davide,

    Will be going next week to a business trip in Milano and Friday/saturday have time to kill. Can you contact me [ jnclot@gmail.com] for some hints.

    Your help is appreciated. Grazie mille.

  21. absolutelycheryl

    Impressive photography skills! Absolutely love your work! Just followed your blog and twitter [I’m @cheryltweetweet] 🙂

  22. bollychees

    Hi David. Great photos with your iPhone! Mine is still a 3Gs so it’s still quite limiting…Thanks for stopping by our blog and liking the post on “Eiffel Tower 365”. It’s a pat on the back to have someone like you who loves photography like our post and photos. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  23. R C Norman

    Davide, I’m not one to do these Award things, but there are some blog sites like yours I enjoy so much, I wanted to recognize you as others have recognized me. I know you’ve been recognized with awards, but I’m recognizing you again on my blog with the Reader Appreciation Award. Your site is definitely one of my favorites. You can view the award at http://rcnormanphoto.com/2012/06/07/thanks-for-blogger-awards. No need to follow the silly rules — it’s the recognition that’s important. — Rob

  24. lostfunzone

    very interesting pictures both subject and compositionwise and very original processing. these are really great! and thanks for liking my post!

  25. Adrian Lewis

    Hi Davide! I’m very impressed by your photos – and thank you very much for following my blog, I hope you’ll enjoy its content. FATman

  26. R C Norman

    Davide, thanks for the follow. Your iPhone photos are exceptional! iPhonograpy is a new artform that I’ve just come to understand and find it both imaginative and compelling through it’s simplicity. Look forward to following your work. — Rob

  27. cavallogolooso

    mi sento nella tana del lupo (quando mi dicono “sono passato al digitale” e mi mostrano un telefono io non provo belle cose… ) ma il tuo lavoro potrebbe farmi cambiare idea. E’ interessante. E magari il giorno che me ne do’ il tempo, se anche tu me ne vorrai dedicare un po’, ti chiederò qualcosa e cerchero di impararla. Intanto: BRAVO! 🙂

  28. colorsontheroad

    Grazie per essere passato dalle mie parti! Le tue foto sono sorprendenti, sono completamente affascinante da quello che riesci a creare (perchè di arte si tratta)… A presto

  29. labambinacolpalloncino

    Complimenti davvero, non pensavo si postessero fare foto così belle con un cellulare. Mi piacciono molto i soggetti che scegli e l’atmosfera surreale.
    Ciao Anna

    • rubicorno

      Grazie Anna,
      benvenuta nella mobile photography 😉
      Sono contento ti piacciano le mie foto, a me piace molto il tuo stile nitido.

      ciao Davide

    • rubicorno

      thanks for thinking of me for the award! I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.
      I’m not much interested in blog awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.


    • rubicorno

      thanks for thinking of me for the award! I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.
      I’m not much interested in blog awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.


      • kayarebel

        Cool, no problem. I see you get a lot of awards anyway, congrats on your latest feature in the magazine:) I’ve downloaded a few of the apps you use and am having fun with the filters. Thanks for your creativity!

  30. yz art gallery

    Thank you for visiting my gallery, your ‘like’ and most of all for ‘following’. I am delighted and grateful for your interest. You have an amazing photo art work on your blog! Best wishes. Yelena

  31. Some Girl

    Davide, your work and your blog are truly inspiring to me. I always look forward to seeing what beautiful image you will post next 🙂 I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Should you choose to accept the award, here is the link:

    The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    Looking forward to your next post,
    Some Girl

  32. MathiasLPhotos

    Ciao Davide,
    I love the atmosphere of your pictures.
    I would life to give you the Genuine Blogger Award for your work !

  33. rota

    Ciao Davide!
    Grazie al tuo “LIke” scopro il tuo blog! Mooooolto bello, e assolutamente affascinante!
    Ma ho visto per ora ancora poco, appena ho un attimo di tempo e di calma approfondisco la mia conoscenza della tua personale iPhoneography!
    I miei più ammirati complimenti!

    • rubicorno


      grazie, mi fa molto piacere la tua nomination.

      Non prendertela però se non darò seguito alla nomination, non vado matto per le catene… 🙂

      ciao e ancora grazie


      • Olimpia

        No hard feelings 🙂 Soloun shout out di appreciation 🙂

  34. Stephen

    Hi Davide

    I mentioned you in a post I made today and put in a link. Hope that’s OK with you.


  35. mac

    U have some really great pics here – well done!!
    And thanks for the follow 🙂

  36. Girl Friday Makes Good

    I’m so glad you found my blog, because I simply love your work. My young nephew draws a bit like your photos. He’ll compose something, like a chimney sweep, then he’ll crumple the paper into a ball, then open it up. It’s fascinating. Thank you for sharing your pleasure with us!

  37. Lela Bonchjela

    Hi Davide, may I ask, what do you do? I’ve always thought of you as a professional photographer, but I realise you do this for pleasure 😉

    • rubicorno

      Hi Lela, I work in IT management consulting, my expertise is in telecommunications and innovation. Quite different from photography :-). Thanks for asking.

  38. Richard Tulloch

    Thanks for the visit and the ‘like’. I’m flattered when a serious photographer is interested in my beginner’s efforts, so I’m much encouraged! All the best to you. Richard

    • rubicorno

      Thank you,

      I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.

      I’m not much interested in awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.


  39. Rick Diffley

    Word Press “Versatile Blogger” Award Nomination

    This is an official announcement that I’ve nominating you for the “Versatile Blogger” award.
    As a recent recipient of the award, one of the three award rules I must comply with is to: “Nominate 15 bloggers I read, enjoy, inspired by, and making sure you notify them of their place on this list.”

    What is this Word Press award? I had to do a little digger since this was all new to me and I only started my first ever blog in January 2012. “It is a way to introduce bloggers to each other and to promote quality blogs that the awardees and their readers might not be discovered otherwise.”

    You can read more about the award and my responses to the three required rules at my website: http://rickdiffleyphotography.com

    Thank you for your blog and inspiration!!

    ~ Rick Diffley ~

    • rubicorno

      Thank you Rick,

      I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.

      I’m not much interested in awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.


    • rubicorno

      Thank you Joylene, I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.

      I’m not much interested in awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.


      • photographybyjoylene

        You are welcome! I will continue to enjoy your photos!

  40. gds.lucystoner

    Love your work! You definitely have developed your own style… I love iPhoneography as well, but I am still working on finding my own vision/style. I always look forward to your posts. Thank you for sharing!

  41. Mona

    Davide, because of this blog, I have downloaded the apps you use and have produced a few kind of cool images in my iPhone and it’s been delightfully fun. However, mine are 1st grade art compared to your fabulous images which are true works of art. Therefore, I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Check it out: http://monahoward.com/2012/03/25/kreativ-blogger/

    When I wrote this, I forgot to include directions: 1) Include the image of the award on your post, 2) acknowledge the person who nominated you & link back to his/her blog, 3) write a list of things about yourself [usually it’s 7], 4) nominate 7 or more bloggers.

    • rubicorno

      hank you Mona, I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.

      I’m not much interested in awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.
      About the apps, it takes some time to learn to use them for creative results, take your time and experiment a lot!


  42. onelifethislife

    Incredible blog! I am amazed at the creativity of every photo I have seen thus far. Great work! I am looking forward to seeing more of your blog! Until then…


  43. AnnMarie

    I just read about your work (from Disperser’s blog) and I decided to take a look and . . . che belle foto! E poi non si puo fare di meno in Italia!

    I’ve lived in the US for many years now and my Italian has suffered the consequences of regular exercise. Nevertheless, grazie per il ‘virtual’ viaggio!

  44. Sandy Sue

    Thank you for visiting my site and following. Your work makes my heart sing! So delicious!!

  45. disperser

    I just noticed you followed my blog right after I followed yours .

    Of course, you can if you want to, but wanted to let you know you don’t have to respond in kind. You start doing that, and you get so many notices you might miss stuff you are really interested in.

    A proposito, volevo chiedere perche’ if blog e’ inglese, e non in italiano. Pensavo che forse le comunita’ associate con iPhoneography sono per lo piu in inglese, ma forse c’e’ un’altra ragione. Scrivi inglese come une che e’ cresciuto con la lingua, e scusa se il mio italiano non e’ propio giusto, ma ho lasciato l’Italia nel ’66 e non faccio molta pratica oltre di paarlare qualche volta con la famiglia.

    Anyway, I did enjoy perusing through your posts, and I wanted to subscribe to draw some inspiration for my own photography (non-iPhone, I have a droid, but I’m never happy with the pictures it takes).

    Take care.

    • rubicorno

      scrivo in inglese pur non essendo madrelingua perché ho sempre considerato il mondo come comunità, e l’inglese mi permette di spaziare maggiormente. Ed é anche vero che l’iPhonegraphy é una comunità internazionale che parla in inglese.
      Per quanto riguarda il follow del tuo blog, non é una cosa meccanica, ho letto qualche tuo post e mi sono piaciuti, in particolare quello sulla censura.

      Se può esserti utile ho postato una specie di tutorial – basato su app iPhone, ma i concetti sono gli stessi.

      Take care!


    • rubicorno

      Thank you Jeremy, I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog.

      I’m not much interested in awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.

      Put you iPhone at work, you’ll be amazed!


      • Jeremy

        I deff won’t be offended 🙂 I’m just glad to be able to enjoy your work!

  46. Cara Olsen

    Hi Davide,

    I’ve only yet begun viewing your photography, but am already a fan. After reading your About section, I could hardly wait to forward your link to my husband. He, too, is an iphone photographer. I plan to devote a whole post to his work this week, going into further detail about his vision for the blog, but I couldn’t resist sharing the link with you, in the hopes you might enjoy and be inspired the way you have inspired many with your photos.



    • rubicorno

      thanks for your appreciation and thanks for pointing me to a fellow iPhoneographer blog 🙂

  47. aliciatolley

    heya, thanks for checking out my blog. you have beautiful photos here.

  48. uthamz

    Something special about the colors of the photos , Rubicorno.
    Interesting !
    In fact , they give a haunting feeling !
    Most of them unforgettable !

    Keep up the good work !


  49. dorothymcdonall

    Wow! Had never heard of iPhoneography until this minute. What an intriguing idea! And how wonderful that it helped to bring your talent out of the darkness and into the light for all to enjoy. 🙂 I look forward to seeing more of your work. … Thank you for following my blog “Eyes to Heart.” Be well … Dorothy 🙂

  50. Elisa

    When I saw that you were followed your blog, I had to check yours out. Wow!! Your photographs are stunning!! I’m looking forward to viewing more of your posts with great anticipation….

    • Elisa

      I meant that you were following “my” blog (I am the typo queen)

  51. Angeline M

    I am so glad I found your blog through someone else’s. I love your photography. Thanks for the follow over on my blog.

  52. polamiro

    Breathtakingly beautiful. In love with your work. Absolutely sublime. I have run out of words. xoxo, Pola

  53. anake goodall

    your photos are stunning Davide, and a real encouragement to go and learn more about iPhone, Instagram and the other tools you are using. many thanks for the inspiration!!

  54. marveleliass

    Dear Rubicorno, grazie che vuoi seguire il mio blog…ma è un diario privato, un viaggio, una prova… ciao ciao e bravo, your photos are very amazing…

  55. jeff

    Buongiorno! I was searching for photos of abandoned places in or near Milan and found your collection of abandoned buildings. Really lovely! I’m going to be in Milan soon and may take a day trip out to Gaggiano to see if I can find some of your shots. Ciao.

  56. banbamama

    HI Davide! Lovely blog and yes Instagram is great. I have yet to master the iphoneography editing and publishing tricks of the trade. Maybe I’ll pick up a few tips from you 🙂 Thanks for following my blog too…

    • rubicorno

      Hello my friend! Thank you, I appreciate your nomination and your appreciation of my blog. I’m not much interested in the awards, though, so please don’t be offended if I will not follow up on them.

  57. Tonito

    Thank you for following! You have a great blog yourself! Looking forward to your posts!


  58. dianne - life as i see it

    very interesting and beautiful images : )

  59. Who am I? « Russel Ray Photos

    […] I’m about. For example, look at the work of Davide Capponi, posting under the nom de plume rubicorno. His work is beautiful…. unusual…. distinctive. I would recognize it […]

  60. SB

    Davide – thank you for stopping by my teeny blog project. Your photos are beautiful! I’ll keep my eyes peeled for your work.

  61. kellisamson

    Thank you for following my little blog! Your pictures are inspirational. I love your subject matter, as Italy holds a dear place in my heart after spending a month there 2 years ago. I will look you up on instagram.

  62. Mother, Beader and Coffee Lover

    Hi, I love all your pictures and find it amazing that not only do phones take such great pictures but what you have done with them aswell. I’m not a great commenter but I do check them all out 🙂 Keep up the good work.

  63. LediaR

    Thank you for following my blog, Mysterious Japan. May you have a very Happy Year of the Water Dragon.

  64. S Joe

    Hi Rubicorno,
    I am providing a link to your site from mine.


    Hope you don’t mind 🙂

  65. mkdickerson

    Buon giorno! Thanks for visiting my blog today. I like the creativity you show with your photography. I will look you up on my iPhone instagram and follow you there. I enjoy using my iPhone to shoot for fun, but not to the degree or artistry you have taken it.


  66. DomeniiNebunie

    Hey, thanks for finding me! I didn’t realise what I was doing was called iPhoneography! Sweet word 🙂 Loving your shots by the way.

  67. andy1076

    Hi Davide,

    I apologize if i am starting to ask way too many questions, i didn’t know who else to ask lol! do you know any apps to remove the background picture? i took a picture of a flower pot but the background is really ugly. Any idea? thank you kindly 🙂


    • rubicorno

      Hi Andy, no problem I’m glad to help! Juxtaposer is an app that would do the trick, yet there is some manual work required to remove parts of a photo.

      • andy1076

        Hi Davide

        Thank you! I can’t get enough of this hobby, so tempted to go out and buy a DSLR but want to get as much out of the iPhone 4 as I can. 😀


  68. Ed

    Thanks for visiting my blog today and liking my most recent post. i shall be hopping over to Instagram now to find you, where you can also find me too. Grazie Mille!

  69. S Joe

    I am glad I found your blog. What a unique way of photography! Mind blowing. You are such an inspiration! Loved all your photographs and decided to leave one comment instead of leaving one for each photograph 🙂 . They are all very artistic and top class. You’ve got one faithful follower of your blog now. 🙂

    Btw, thank you for visiting and following my blog.

  70. rsmithing

    Grazie for the follow, Davide, and I’m glad to have discovered your iPhoneography as well!

  71. lawrencerimmer

    Hey, cheers for following my blog, and thank you for leading me to yours, you have stunning photos! Nice job!

  72. Nat

    Beautiful blog! Love your photos! The colour is just outstanding.


    • rubicorno

      I appreciate so much your award and you thinking of me! The fact that you enjoy my photographs makes me real happy.
      As far as Blog Awards are concerned, however, I don’t like much things with rules attached, so don’t be offended if I won’t follow the rules about it 🙂

      Thanks again


  73. janmejay

    Very Nice……U seems a lover of Contrast………

  74. Kevin Leland

    How serendipitous! I was just saying to my self yesterday: Kevin, you suck as a photographer, and always have, since photos were done with film. Then when digital camera’s came out, my parents bought me a Kodak Digital camera. The thing was awesome. I greatly improved. But, still sucked. Then came he iPhone. For some reason, I’ve taken some incredible pictures with that thing!! I didn’t know that there were people like you who just do iphone photography. I’m joining that fricken club! That’s for sure! Thanks for the inspiration. Keep up the good work! -Kevin

  75. Maya Guesthouse Project

    Hi Rubicorno,

    we would like to thank you for your interest in our straw bale hotel project.
    Actually, we are only two and a half hours away from each other and half of my family is italian from the Piemonte.
    As a fellow photographer I appreciate your work a lot (http://www.saatchionline.com/louisp)

    Greetings from Switzerland


  76. filmcamera999

    absolutely love your work, sir! you are an artist, no doubt about it! and what a great place to be doing it, too.
    what do you do for a living, if i may ask, pls? i mean, is it art orientated at all?
    carry on the work, whatever happens….!

    • rubicorno

      Thank you! I earn my living as a technology/IT/innovation manager, definitely far from anything that is artistic.
      I do like to express my creativity for my pleasure, so it’s fine this way.

      Thanks for asking


  77. nikmimms

    Hi Davide,
    Thanks for stopping by and looking at my work.
    Your work is fantastic ! Im very interested in using the iphone as a tool in producing images and its been a pleasure coming across someone who has managed to produce such beautiful and poetic images. Im really looking forward to seeing your work over the coming months. Keep going!!!
    Kind regards

    • rubicorno

      Thanks Nik,
      Like your work too, if you need info on using the iPhone for image production just drop me an email and I’ll be glad to share what I know.



  78. gweaverii


    Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I am an old woman from Texas who pays no attention. I was mortified when I discovered that I’d accidentally sent a post of a tree from my blog to you. I refuse to read the tutorial and just “click” without the slightest notion of the consequences! Your images astound me. However, what astounds me more is not that they are wonderful or that you share them, but that you share with such kindness. You have won awards and are successful, but you spared the time to respond to an old lady who loves the beautiful images you see through your camera transformed into something of your own soul. I had only read about Instagram and referred it to a friend in Bangladesh. When I stumbled upon your images, I just sat and stared. Thank you again for making the reclusive life of one curious old lady infinitely more interesting.

    Granny George

    • rubicorno

      Thanks for your kind words George. I don’t always find the time to answer to all comments, but I try, I don’t like this to be a one-way show.


  79. Stuart Hyde - shpics

    What a wonderful blog!
    I’ve been photoblogging for only three weeks and using a cameraphone for only three days,(sorry not an iphone), but your blog is a real eye-opener…Really inspirational.

  80. H2O by Joanna

    Thank you for following me, I’m honoured. Take a look at your blog and love what I saw: it looks like your pictures are just liitle artworks each and every one of them… GREAT

  81. ewinajes

    thanks for follow me
    i like ur photo,
    so stylist

  82. ManoliRizoFotografia

    Te he conocido gracias a que entraste en mi blog, y no pude dejar de admirar tus imágenes, son preciosas, desde luego es arte, me encanta, me suscribí en el mismo momento pero hasta ahora no he tenido tiempo de escribirte, un saludo

  83. Jane Thorne

    I love the artistry in your photographs, they are beautiful…thank you for sharing – Jane

  84. cravencreativity

    Thanks for liking my blog post! I’ve been looking at your work and it is AMAZING, so BEAUTIFUL!! Many look like paintings, absolutely stunning… You have found a unique and creative niche for your photography, thanks for sharing it with the world!

  85. zorgor

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day! I like your photos a lot — the low-fi, distressed thing makes them very interesting. And you’re doing all this with an iphone?

  86. VTP

    Thanks for liking my blog post. Your blog has great content, keep it up!

  87. J. A. Robinson


    Thanks for subscribing to my “punny” photoblog! I hope to bring you a smile (or at least a groan) every weekday in 2012.

    Your images are wonderful–such atmosphere and texture! I’ll be back.

    John: TheDailyGraff.com

  88. Macy

    Thank you for liking my post and for following my blog. I hope my future photos don’t disappoint! Browsed through your blog and was impressed with the photos 😀 Looking forward to seeing more of your work 🙂

  89. vidalnyc


    Beautiful work! Very creative….


  90. enry

    Ciao Davide!
    Grazie per le tue visite al mio blog, benvenuto!
    Mi piace l’atmosfera delle tue foto, complimenti!
    A presto

    • rubicorno

      Ciao Enry,
      ti ringrazio io per la tua visita, sono felice che ti piacciano le mie foto!


  91. sugarblast

    ciao davide!
    your photographs are amazing! -love the effects, colors and composition.

  92. Kathryn

    Thanks for following my blog. What you are doing is new to me but sounds really interesting. I’m looking forward to following your blog. all the best, Kat


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