Davide Capponi photography

Photographic art by Davide Capponi

Posts tagged ‘urbex’

There was a light

There was a light

An abandoned house in Piemonte, Italy. This was shot with my iPhone6.
The app used to shot the image was Pro Camera, cropping and adjustments was done using Snapseed, further editing was done with Alayer.

Let the music play

Let the music play

This is an abandoned hospital near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s and the Olloclip wide lens.

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using Dynamic Light, Pic Grunger, Image Blender and PhotoToaster.



This is the Torre Velasca in Milano. This was shot with my iPhone 4s.

The app used to shot the image was ProCamera, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using TinType and Repix.

The inner courtyard

The inner courtyard

This is an abandoned sanitarium near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Glaze, Repix, iColorama and Filterstorm.

Have a rest before…

Have a rest before...

This is an abandoned sanitarium near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Repix, iColorama and Filterstorm.

My welcome prison

My welcome prison

This is an abandoned sanitarium near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Repix, iColorama and Filterstorm.



This is the Torre Velasca in Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s.

The app used to shot the image was ProCamera, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using Glaze and Deco Sketch.

Of meetings and leavings

Of meetings and leavings

This is an abandoned firm near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Repix, iColorama and Filterstorm.

Last way out

Last way out

This is an abandoned hospital near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Repix, iCOlorama and Filterstorm.

Last visit

Last visit

This is an abandoned hospital near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Glaze, Repix, iCOlorama and Image Blender.

Ghost country

Ghost country

This is an old farm in the country near Milano (Italy). This has been shot with my iPhone 4s.

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using GlazeDecim8,  VintageScene, Image Blender, iColorama and PhotoToaster.

The call

The call

I participated to a NEM action called  NEM poets, I was supposed to embed my own poetry in my photography; this is the result.. The photo has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Glaze, iColorama, text composed with Phonto.

Charlotte’s dream

Charlotte's dream

This is an abandoned hospital near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  VintageScene.

Window of opportunity

Window of opportunity

This is an abandoned hospital near Milano. This has been shot with my iPhone 4s .

The app used to shot the image was Pro HDR, cropping and adjustments were done using Snapseed, further editing was done using  Glaze, iColorama, VintageScene.